Friday, December 12, 2008

Ginger's Misery

This was not a good week for Ginger. She cowered most of the day on Tuesday when we had thunderstorms, a tornado watch and mid-seventy degree weather. Rain poured down on us all day long with strong gusts of wind whipping the still falling leaves from one neighbor's yard to another. She didn't get less than inches away from me all day.

The next day brought continuing rainfall and much cooler temperatures, plummeting to near freezing levels during the night with a winter storm advisory. The ground was saturated and we had water standing everywhere. I was certainly ready for the rain to end. I knew however, that even if it did snow or sleet that the likelihood of it sticking was slim. As it turned out, there was no need for us to be concerned as the winter precipitation never materialized in our area.

The soggy ground stuck with us through yesterday as the sun finally began to peek out and the temperatures rose little by little which made three days in a row that Ginger was miserable about going outside.

Here are a couple of pictures I took of her as she tried to find ways to entertain herself inside.

Poor Ginger was so bored during our inclement weather this week as she was forced to stay inside most of the day. She doesn't go out much unless someone goes with her on the best days but she still misses her outside time when its rainy. She really hates wet grass.

She played with one of her favorite toys most of the day yesterday and of course that meant that I played with it too! I hate slobbery dog toys as much as she hates wet grass!

Wishing Ginger and all of you all perfect weather.

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posted by Marsha at


Blogger irish daisies said...

oh poor little baby. i saw some stuff you plug in at petco to sooth them when they are upset like a thunder storm. i dont know if it works but i used the cat stuff and it worked for my cat. hope you are well

Friday, December 12, 2008 at 3:52:00 PM CST  
Blogger Marsha said...

All that I've found is some medication to calm them. I don't think she really needs medication as long as she can get near me. She doesn't get hyper or anything just very clingy and a little nervous.

Sunday, December 14, 2008 at 6:21:00 PM CST  
Blogger Diane M. Roth said...

Scout feels the same way....

but you have good pictures, anyway.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008 at 6:59:00 AM CST  

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