Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Rain's A Comin'

Poor Ginger is headed towards panic mode, trying to hide under the computer desk or get to my lap, whichever she makes it to first. She is like many dogs, afraid of the noise of thunder, which means that today will be an unpleasant one for her.

Dark skies and ominous lightening with big claps of thunder are here along with much cooler temperatures. For this area, we have been in the midst of a cool down, with temps hovering around the mid 80s the past few days. Trust me, in late August, in the delta area of Louisiana and Mississippi, those temps are like a cold snap. This comes just a week or two after record setting temps and heat indexes of around 120°. We've had a few days with enough rainfall and cloud cover to resurrect the lawns in the area. Many of us, me included, were out mowing last night before the anticipated storms come upon us over the next few days. It was the first time I had mowed in about three weeks.

It seems we will be in for a possible deluge of rain from the same storms which have hit the Oklahoma City area and caused flooding there. Even though we were experiencing very dry conditions, this area has had plenty of rainfall the past couple of years so we really don't need a lot of rain to fall, just enough to keep us comfortable and to lower the *@#&$@*# electric bill that's running so high from trying to cool off our homes.

Me and Ginger, signing off, hoping to stay dry and keep power and cable on.

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posted by Marsha at


Blogger Mozi Esme said...

Poor dog! Wishing you peace in the midst of the storm . . .

Tuesday, August 19, 2008 at 11:44:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Popcorn House said...

Stopped by to wish you a happy WW. We were in Texas for vacation visiting family and they really needed rain. Don't get too wet.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008 at 8:05:00 AM CDT  

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