Saturday, March 22, 2008


I am posting this just a little bit early. Emily's birthday is tomorrow, the 23rd day of March, one day after mine! I adore Emily. She is one of my five favorite granddaughters!

Earlier today, I decided I wanted to do a scrap type page of a picture of Emily and I together from almost 8 years ago. That summer, each of my granddaughters who live in Bossier came over to spend a weekend with me. The memories and pictures from those weekends count among the best in my life. Each one of them came separately, which was and still is a big deal as they were all mama's girls and real homebodies. I tried to do special things with each of them while they were here and let them choose how we spent most of our time together. The pictures were a lot of fun, because I took them while posing with the girls trying to keep the camera still and focused while holding my arm out far enough away to get the shots. The girls took a few shots too.

As I looked through the photos from those weekends, I realized that the memories had started fading for me. It bothers me to feel like I'm losing those times and the older I get, the more I seem to need reminders of what took place at certain times. I'm glad I have those pictures! Those fading memories also gave me the tag line I used on this image.

I love you Emily. I am so glad to have the memories from this long ago weekend with you. There are so many more that I hold dear and I look forward to all those that will come in the future. You truly are a cherished member of my life.

(click on the image to see a larger version)

Happy Birthday to my sweet Emmy!

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posted by Marsha at


Blogger Mercedes said...

This is so beautiful! May I be your adopted grandaughter-or should I say adopted daughter? LOL! You are an amazing woman!

Open invitation to Scrumptious Sunday (theme for this week: cakes)at Mercedes Rocks:

You can go down memory lane with PSP and your headers-hehe!

Happy Easter!

Sunday, March 23, 2008 at 3:57:00 AM CDT  
Blogger Marsha said...

I just got home from my daughter's and I really think I've got all the chillin's and grandchillins I can handle at the moment but thanks for the offer! lol...

Seriously though, thanks for the kind comments Mercedes. I'll have to send some more headers your way! Just give me some time!

Monday, March 24, 2008 at 9:49:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Happy Hippie said...

Great photo! I am sure your grandchildren cherish their time spent with you as well. There is nothing like the grandparent/grandchild relationship. It is very special.

Friday, March 28, 2008 at 8:23:00 PM CDT  

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