Friday, September 28, 2007

There Are Those Times

Lord, our hearts often break and our faith weakens when we must walk without clear sight, but You honored the man who said, "I believe; please help my unbelief."

Thank you that You remain faithful even when we have no faith left.

~taken from an article titled UNANSWERED QUESTIONS by Marilyn Ehle in a daily newsletter I receive.

Lately my faith has been relatively strong but there are those times; times of doubt, times of uncertainty, times of questioning, times of unbelief. I've realized as I grow older that those are the times we just have to push through... isn't that what faith is after all?

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posted by Marsha at


Blogger Linda said...

An inspirational message!!!

I've tagged you for a meme.

Sunday, September 30, 2007 at 10:13:00 AM CDT  

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