Friday, September 05, 2008

Quick Sticky Note and Gustav's Effect

If you are here for Wordless Wednesday, check the entry below this one!

Just a quick note to my kids if they happen to read this and if I haven't talked to you by phone, I am planning to head home on Thursday barring any last minute change in plans. I'll try to talk to you all later. Mom

As for the hurricane, I just happened to be away when Gustav hit the Louisiana coast and as the remnants of the storm moved to the northern part of the state where I live. I understand that power was lost in some parts of the twin cities and that there was some flash flooding of streets in the Monroe / West Monroe area, which is not uncommon occurrence there. I am thankful that the storm was not as serious as it might have been in any part of the state and I am also glad that we learned something and were better prepared this time around. I have to admit that I feel guilty about being away from Woody, even though he is being well cared for while Ginger and I are gone. To the best of my knowledge, everything at my home is fine and the only thing I expect to find is that there will be some debris in the yard and that I'll have grass 2 feet high when I get there from all the rain.

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posted by Marsha at


Blogger Gill said...

So glad to hear your area wasn't too badly affected, I thought about you when I heard all the reports in the media.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008 at 3:09:00 AM CDT  

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