Friday Feast #158
I found this one to be the hardest feasts I've done so far.
Appetizer -Who is the easiest person for you to talk to?
My children. Each one can be or any given one of them at different times. If for any reason they aren't available or I've talked them out... well then Ginger makes a good listener!
Soup -If you could live in any ancient city during the height of the quality of its society and culture, which one would you choose?
This is hard for me because I really have never had a desire to live in any other time than today. I am not a history buff nor am I really interested in ancient culture. So while I don't consider it an ancient city in the same sense of Rome, nor do I necessarily think it was at the height of quality at the time, I would pick to live in Jerusalem while Jesus was there.
Salad -What is the most exciting event you’ve ever witnessed?
The birth of my children. (I guess this was something I experienced instead of witnessed. I'm leaving it as my answer though.)
Main Course -If you were a celebrity, what would you do for a publicity stunt?
Well, it wouldn't involve a public restroom! (Larry Craig) ...drinking or drugs! (Paris or Lindsey) underwear or lack thereof! (Brittney) I like to think that I would do something of value, something that would make a real difference in the world or influence others in a positive way.
Dessert -What do you consider the ideal age to have a first child?
Between 27 (which is when I had my last child) and 32. I started early and realized later that I could have used a few more years to just have fun and enjoy life before tying myself down to the responsibility of children. While I think I was a good mother, a little more life experience wouldn't have hurt.
Labels: Friday Feast